Tube Mills & Form Roll Manufacture
- MMI can provide a full range of folded tube mills and associated equipment such as tube traying and banding systems to meet your requirements for a wide range of applications.
- With the support of Mill Masters Inc (, we can offer total design and engineering support for aluminium welded tubes for automotive/HVAC applications.
- All tube mills are fitted with latest specification control systems and industry standard flux systems with vision monitoring.
- Modular tooling systems are used for tool free tool changes in less than 30 minutes.
- All tooling is manufactured in-house with high quality tool steel and can be supplied with carbide inserts for high wear points for use in high volume production.
- MMI-UK’s integrated cut off is capable of over 350 cuts per minute with burr free cuts and automatic length change with full integration of dimple and de-dimple stations for seamless tube production.
- Independent tube tooling is fully tested on MMI’s in-house test machines. Existing customer cassettes/stands can be adapted for use on MMI’s in-house test machines.

- Upgraded dancing roller
- Automatic clamping of cassettes
- Upgraded single and twin track vertical guillotine – also available as a retrofit.